Samstag, 11. Juni 2011

World of Warcraft Patch 4.2 PTR Notes vom 10.6. – Weniger Tapferkeitspunkte und Todesritter Unholy-Buff

Es gab wieder ein Update der Patch 4.2 PTR Notes vom 10.6. aus dem wir euch einige der Änderungen zusammenfassen wollen.
Man kann jetzt nur noch 980 statt 1250 Tapferkeitspunkte pro Woche verdienen. Da sich bis jetzt die Kosten der Gegenstände für Tapferkeitspunkte nicht verringert haben, sieht es so aus, als wenn Blizzard den Zugriff auf die neue Ausrüstung etwas verlangsamen will.

Todesritter kommen aus dem Staunen nicht mehr heraus, denn sie wurden mit einer Verbesserung von “Unheilige Macht” bedacht, die nun statt 5% satte 20% Stärkeerhöhung ausmacht.

Auch am Druiden ist Blizzard weiterhin dran und scheint so langsam einen Dreh zu finden. In den Patch Notes steht u.a. das Statement von Blizzard, dass sich der Schaden in Katzenform nicht so stark mit besser werdender Ausrüstung angepasst hat, wie es bei anderen Klassen der Fall war. Daher will man nun diese Anpassungen durchführen um diesen Mißstand zu beheben:
“Zerfleischen” (Katze) Schaden erhöht auf 540% (vorher 460%) und der Bonus-Schaden wurde auf 302 reduziert.
Der Initialschaden von “Krallenhieb” macht nun den gleichen Schaden wie jeder einzelne periodische Schadens-Tick. Der periodische Schaden erhält nun 14,7% Angriffskraft pro Tick (vorher 12,6%). Der Grundschaden pro Tick wurde von 557 auf 56 reduziert.
Der Schaden von “Verheeren” wurde auf 950% Waffenschaden erhöht (vorher 850%) und der Bonusschaden wurde auf 532 reduziert.
“Wildes Brüllen” gibt nun 80% erhöhten Schaden mit einer Nahkampfattacke (vorher 50%). Die “Glyphe des Wilden Brüllens” behält einen unveränderten Bonus von 5%
Schreddern hat nun eine Waffenschadenserhöhung von 540% (vorher 450%) und der Bonus Schaden wurde auf 302 reduziert.
Ob die Druiden-Änderungen nun generell ein Buff oder Nerf sind, hängt höchstwarscheinlich von der jeweiligen Ausrüstungs-Level des Spielers ab. Je höher der Ausrüstungslevel, desto wenige wird man wohl profitieren? Hier können gerne die Druiden unter den Lesern ihre Meinung dazu schreiben.

Was haltet ihr außderdem von den Änderungen bei den Tapferkeitspunkten?

New Quest Chain: Elemental Bonds

A New quest line is now available to level-85 Horde and Alliance characters, bringing brave adventurers to Thrall’s aid. The Call of the World-Shaman, the quest which will point players toward Thrall and The Nordrassil Summit, can be obtained in Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

New Raid: The Firelands
Located within the Elemental Plane, the Firelands is an all-new 10- and 25-player raid featuring normal and Heroic difficulties! Battle-hardened veterans of the Horde and Alliance now have an opportunity to strike at Ragnaros the Firelord and his loyal servants by venturing into their domain via Sulfuron Spire in Mount Hyjal.

New Legendary Item: Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest
Steadfast raiders have an opportunity to embark on a series of quests to create an all-new legendary caster staff. In order to begin the process of assembling the staff, players must first kill a Molten Lord in the Firelands. Once a Molten Lord is killed, players can accept the quest A Legendary Engagement from Ziradormi or Coridormi in Orgrimmar or Stormwind.

New User Interface Feature: Dungeon Journal
A host of dungeon information is now built into the user interface via the all-new Dungeon Journal. This feature can be accessed via a new button in the Navigation tray from anywhere in the world. Boss background story, encounter details, abilities, and loot can be viewed with the Dungeon Journal for all bosses which have been integrated into the new system (this includes bosses for all Cataclysm dungeons and raids). Additional dungeons are planned to be incorporated in future updates.

Dungeons & Raids
Raid Profiles have been added which allow players to save the raid window user interface layout based on type of content (i.e. 10-player raids, 25-player raids, Battlegrounds, etc.) for future use.
Players can select PvE, PvP, specialization, and group size. Each Raid Profile type will then automatically setup going forward.
The pullout panel will be available for 5-player content as well when Show Raid Frames is selected.
Raid Profiles can list groups horizontally as well as vertically.
A Raid button has been added to the Navigation tray which will bring players straight to the Raid window in the Social pane.

Valor Points
The maximum number of Valor Points which can be earned in a week from any and all applicable dungeons and raids is now 980, down from 1250.
The maximum number of Valor Points awarded for completing Rise of the Zandalari dungeons remains at 980.
The maximum number of Valor Points awarded for completing Heroic dungeons remains at 490.
The number of Valor Points awarded for killing a boss in the Firelands is 70 in 10-player mode, and 90 in 25-player mode.
The number of Valor Points awarded for killing Occu’thar in Baradin Hold is 35 in 10-player mode, and 45 in 25-player mode.
The number of Valor Points awarded for killing a boss on Heroic difficulty in The Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent, and Throne of the Four winds is 35 in 10-player mode, and 45 in 25-player mode.

Baradin Hold
Occu’thar has broken free from his cage and presents an all-new boss challenge to players in 10- and 25-player arrangements who control Tol Barad.

New PvP ground mounts, the Vicious War Wolf (Horde) and Vicious War Steed (Alliance), will be awarded to players for completing achievements to win 75, 150, and 300 Rated Battlegrounds respectively, rather than for being in the top .5% of the ladder at the end of each season as with Arenas. This award system is to better compliment the spirit of Battlegrounds. One account-bound mount will be awarded for each achievement unlocked, allowing players who obtain 150 and 300 Rated Battleground wins to earn this mount a second and third time. The additional mounts earned can then be sent to alt characters, given they’re account-bound. These mounts are awarded as soon as an associated achievement is unlocked and do not correspond with end-of-season rewards.
The individual Matchmaking Rating column has been removed from the Rated Battleground scoreboard and replaced with a team Matchmaking Rating.

War Games
Many improvements have been made to the War Games interface. It now has its own panel for ease of use and raid/group leaders are the only ones who can challenge another group to War Games.

Death Knight
Unholy Might now increases Strength by 10% 20%, up from 5%.

Druids now gain 1 attack power per point of Strength, down from 2. They continue to gain 2 attack power per point of Agility while in Cat Form or Bear Form. In addition, Cat Form’s scaling rate from gear upgrades was slower than other classes, which was causing them to fall behind in damage with higher item levels. To counter the Strength change and improve scaling, the following changes have been made. All numbers cited are for level-85 druids.
Mangle (Cat) damage at level 80 and above has been increased to 530% 540% weapon damage, up from 460%, and bonus damage has been lowered to 302.
Rake initial damage on hit now deals the same damage as each periodic tick (and is treated the same for all combat calculations). Periodic damage now gains 14.7% of attack power per tick, up from 12.6%, and base damage per tick has been lowered from 557 to 56. There is a known issue with Rake’s tooltip being incorrect from this change will be corrected in a future patch.
Ravage damage at level 80 and above has been increased to 975% 950% weapon damage, up from 850%, and bonus damage has been lowered to 532.
Savage Roar now grants 80% increased damage to melee auto attacks, up from 50%. The Glyph of Savage Roar remains an unchanged bonus of 5% to that total.
Shred damage at level 80 and above has been increased to 520% 540% weapon damage, up from 450%, and bonus damage has been lowered to 302.

Starfire damage has been increased by approximately 23%.
Wrath damage has been increased by approximately 23%.

Set Bonuses
The 4-piece Balance druid tier 11 PvE set bonus, Astral Alignment, now provides a total of 15% critical strike chance with 3 charges, decreasing by 5% per charge, instead of 99% decreasing by 33% per charge. This change was made because the set bonus proved so valuable it was not possible to upgrade out of the set into tier 12. To compensate, changes have been made to Starfire and Wrath (listed at the top of the druid class section).

Illuminated Healing (Mastery) has been adjusted slightly so that if a paladin refreshes an existing copy of his or her own Illuminated Healing on a target, the new absorption amount will be added into the old absorption amount and the duration will be reset. The total absorption created can never exceed 1/3 of the casting paladin’s health.

Inquiry of Faith now increases Inquisition duration by 66/133/200%, up from 50/100/150%.

Guild Finder
Long comments will now work and not be cut off in the display.

User Interface
The User Interface panels have been resized so there is no more need for scroll bars.The
Addons will no longer be able to intelligently swap items by working with the built-in Equipment Manager.
Character talent specializations can now be viewed on mouseover of the Battlegrounds Scoreboard.
There is now a Dismiss Pet option on unit frames.
The durability character display will now show items as yellow when they are below 20% durability, instead of when items have 5 durability or less.
The Macros window and Spellbook can now both be open at the same time to allow for more intuitive macro creation. In addition, the Macros window has a Save/Cancel button.
It is now easier to change the language of the game client to any language available in the region.
A target or focus target can be selected within the mini-map tracking (does not include enemy players).
Vendors now display currency types they use.

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