Freitag, 27. Mai 2011

World of Warcraft Blueposts: Stop whining! – Alter Content muss einfacher werden!

Es gab in den letzten Tagen wieder zahlreiche Blueposts dessen Inhalte wir für Euch kurz und knackig zusammenfassen wollen:

Die Instanz-Nerfs für Patch 4.2 gelten nur für “Normal”, nicht für “Heroisch”. Gerechtigkeitspunkte droppen in Normal, Tapferkeitspunkte in Heroisch.

Blizzard nimmt auch Stellung zur Entwicklung der Raid-Schwierigkeit.

Sie sagen, daß es ein Problem ist, daß Cataclysm nicht mit einem Einstiegs-Raid-Stufe begonnen hat, wodurch man nun das Gefühl hat, Blizzard würde einem jetzt mit der neuen Stufe teilweise Steine in den Weg legen, allerdings ist eine konstante Abwertung von Items durch neue Stufen ein Prozess der im Spiel stetig stattfindet und man hätte es nicht als so dramatisch empfunden, wenn die Stufen schon beim Start von Cataclysm bekannt gewesen wären.
Naja.. lange Rede kurzer Sinn… was Blizzard der Community sagen will: Hört auf zu whinen dass Eure Items wertloser, der alte Content einfacher und der neue Content wieder schwerer wird. So ist das Game!

Bist Du Bereit für Feuerlande? Blizzard sagt: Ja, wenn Du Pechschwingenabstieg und Bastion des Zwielichts durch hast. Wenn nicht, will Blizzard dafür sorgen, daß der alte Content so vereinfacht wird, daß der Großteil der Spieler den 4.2 Content spielen kann.
Auch in einem anderen Bluepost wird nochmals erklärt, daß es logisch ist, daß alter Content eben mit dem Erscheinen von neuem Content einfacher gemacht werden muss, damit alle Spieler die Möglichkeit haben in einem normalen Zeitrahmen auch den neuen Content zu spielen. Wie oben schon: Nicht weinen, alter Content wird immer generft sobald neuer Content vor der Tür steht.

Nochmals wird das Raid-Journal vor den Leuten verteidigt, die Boss-Strategien und Encounter-Guides lieber auf Fanseiten sehen möchten.

Auch zum Thema Chain-Heal beim Schammy wird noch was gesagt: Dieser ist am Besten in einem Feuerlande 10er Raid, nicht in einem 25er. That´s it!

Hier die Originalzitate:
Raid Instance Nerf in Patch 4.2 only applies to Normal
Of course, keep in mind, the nerfs that were announced only apply to Normal.

Justice Points in “Old” Normal Raid Instance in patch 4.2
Normals will drop JP, Heroics will drop Valor.

Cataclysm Raid Difficulty Progression
I think the biggest issue now is that Cataclysm didn’t launch with an intro raid tier. We’re now following through with the stair-step method of having one hard raid and one intro raid, but it took a while to see the plan through — which is obviously a bit jarring. So now we have a new tier, VP converts to JP, the old tier gets stepped down and the new hotness is going to be that difficult climb.

I think if we had the intro tier/hard tier available (as we will in 4.2) when the expansion first launched it would feel more natural now to see that stair step just moving forward. With the current setup it seems like we’re the bad guys going in and messing with your stuff, and that view is somewhat based on not really including the new harder tier in the equation since it’s not available yet. It’s just not going to be an issue when the new content is available, but for now it’s something to make observations and personal declarations about.

Firelands Difficulty
If you’ve completed Blackwing Descent/Bastion of Twilight then you should focus on Firelands (you’re ready to step up), but if you haven’t yet seen most or any of BWD/BoT we want to make sure you’re able to as soon as 4.2 comes out – not spend weeks running dungeons and grabbing the new gear before you can start progressing.

The content has been out quite a while, there’s no reason to make people wait and spend even more time running dungeons to grab the new gear before they can start on raid content they haven’t seen yet.

Encounter Journal and its effect on boss difficulty
Having information on boss abilities within the game will make fights easier than alt+tabbing to a website to read literal strategies, group placements, phase descriptions, if not ways to cheese the encounter? Pardon my sarcasm, but that’s amazing! And logical.

If you’re cutting edge you’ve already seen the bosses on the PTR, you’ve already read the strategies before the patch is anywhere near release. What amounts to ability tooltips is not going to tell you how to beat a boss, or make you or your raid competent enough to do so.

It’s a cool feature to put drop tables within the default UI, let people get some info on the bosses, and hopefully keep them from having to tab out of the game just to get (usually incorrect) boss ability info from the internets.

Making Raid Encounters Harder/Easier
Plenty of people like the challenge, but not everyone has the ability or maybe even desire to be in a guild capable of tackling it right from the get-go.

It’s always been our intent to offer new raid tiers in Cataclysm that are difficult to provide challenge to the raiding guilds, and then gradually allow older content to self-nerf as people gear up through VP, and then eventual literal nerfs to the content. That’s something we’ve been communicating for some time.

Burning Crusade swung the pendulum one way, and Wrath of the Lich King swung it back too far the other. We’re attempting to find that middle ground where there’s still something brutally difficult for the cutting edge, but content gradually comes down until it’s extremely accessible (ie PUGable) either simply through gear proliferation, or literal content difficulty nerfs.

There’s always going to be two sides of the fence, some people want things more accessible for them and that’s cool, we want it to be too, and some people think it should be difficult and always be that way because that’s the way they had to do it. The fact of the matter is that as an MMO the end-game bar is constantly being raised, and progression content is in general not a place where we’re going to purposefully gate prestige through difficulty. There are some exceptions of course, hard modes and unlockable bosses are purposefully there to be more difficult challenges, but as a whole our intent is to create a constantly moving ramp upward for Normal difficulty raids. That has to mean that the Normal raid content that was the hardest will one day be the easiest.

You will very likely see this same happen for Firelands when the raid tier above it is released.

Tier 12 Bonus and Chain Heal
Chain Heal’s bounce range has already been increased about as much as the engine supports without causing odd behavior and/or undermining the purpose of the spell. It’d certainly be a better spell if it jumped 20 yards, but at that point it’s just a smart heal with a funny visual. And if it can bounce to the same player multiple times, then it’s just the best heal to use, always.

I think you’re undervaluing the benefit of not consuming Riptide. That potentially amounts to a sustained 25% boost to Chain Heal’s throughput, which is huge, in addition to the healing conserved by not losing a portion of your Riptide. And while Chain Heal is easier to use efficiently in a 25-player raid, if the heal hits three targets it is quite efficient, and those situations will arise frequently in 10-player raids.

Ultimately, because healing gameplay is naturally varied (as opposed to DPS rotations for a min/max player), whenever we come up with healer set bonuses, unless they’re incredibly vanilla, they will inevitably favor some healers’ playstyles over others. And the latter group will say “but I never use , this bonus is terrible!” while a separate but less vocal group is giddy over what they’re getting. The original bonus was flawed because it really did play directly into the greatest weakness of Chain Heal in 10-player raids by requiring a 5th target to be of any use, but this bonus will be incredibly strong on 10-player Firelands encounters like Fandral, Beth’tilac, Rhyolith, and more. And on the encounters where it’s weak, Chain Heal isn’t really the right spell to use in 25-player modes anyway.

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